Tuesday, December 30, 2008

It's happening!

try to stop me
Originally uploaded by Hendu Family
Maysie is very quick. If we leave the gate unlatched at the bottom of the stairs, she squeezes her little hand and pries the door open, and then she is off. Up one step, then two, then three............YIKES! Brian let her climb up all the stairs last night and she loved it. Tonight she pushed a kitchen chair while cruising around the kitchen. Brian said that he didn't remember Piper doing any of this at her age. I think we are going to have our hands full......

Friday, December 19, 2008

Piper Day

Lunch with Mommy
Originally uploaded by Hendu Family
I took last Thursday off of work and spent the day with Piper. I really don't spend much time with her one on one anymore and I love her company. We brought Maysie to school in the morning and then our first stop was for a very special treat for Piper, a pink frosted donut. Piper is in love with pink. Really........pink is the most amazing thing in her life right now. That and Maysie that is. We went shopping for a gift for Maysie and she got distracted by a pink tutu. It was love at first site. She put it on over her clothes and has worn it pretty much ever since. We went to lunch and she had a giant bowl of noodle soup and at about 1pm, she said that she missed Maysie and wanted to go see her. What a sweet sister she is. We napped......(me too!) and then went to get Maysie. I really loved my special day.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

My first chicken!

My first chicken!
Originally uploaded by Hendu Family
I just had to........I have a thing about costumes. I love them, especially really cute baby ones. Maysie was a very good sport allowing me to dress her up as a chicken as Piper fell on the floor giggling at her. I attempted to get Piper to wear the new turtle costume that I got, however she refused to wear anything other than the pink tutu that she has worn non stop for the past 3 days.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Maysie is looking like someone else I know

I ran across some pictures of Piper when she was 9 months and thought Maysie sure looks quite a bit like her sister did at this age. It's amazing how different they were are this age. Piper was a bit more reserved and Maysie is the explorer. I wonder if it's because Maysie has a big sis showing her the way. Piper only had 2 wacky dogs.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Great Gramma and her sweet Maysie

I am so thankful for moments like these. We spent Thanksgiving at my parents in Nashua this year.. We had been hosting Turkey Day at our place for the past couple years, but this year we were incredibly glad that my parents were in charge! My Gramma came, which was so wonderful. This was the first Thanksgiving without my Grandpa, so we were all glad to be together. Mom made her yummy cheesy potatoes and Dad was nice enough to make me some yummy vegetarian stuffing. We were grateful to be together and enjoy the yummy food. Happy Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 24, 2008

A friend indeed

Enjoying the company
Originally uploaded by Hendu Family
We had some amazing people stay with us for the past month. My brother- in-law Scott (Brian's older brother), sister-in-law Elisa, and 2 nieces Matilde and Arianna. They just recently moved from Italy and we were grateful to have the opportunity to get to know them better. It is quite amazing that our girls are the same age too. Matilde was born 3 weeks before Piper and Arianna was born 8 days before Maysie. We couldn't have planned it better (and we really didn't!). Piper and Matilde were incredibly sweet together. I think Matilde taught Piper a little about make believe and Piper taught Matilde the importance of Curious George! We miss you guys!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

First Real Haircut

not too happy
Originally uploaded by Hendu Family
We took Piper to get her first real haircut last weekend and she looks GREAT! She was such a brave little lady, letting the crazy hairdresser who didn't speak at all cut her hair. We took her to Snip Its, where we expected great kid friendly service and ended up with a lunatic hairdresser who shouldn't even be cutting hair at SuperCuts. She didn't even talk to us and seemed annoyed that Piper made a fuss about getting into the chair. We will not be back. After we celebrated her cute haircut at Baja Fresh and then Cold Stone Creamery. A wonderful end to a very odd day.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Trick or Treat

2 bugs
Originally uploaded by Hendu Family
We went trick or treating in the neighborhood with family. Brian's brother Scott and our sister in law Elisa are staying with us, along with their 2 little ones, Matilde and Arianna. Matilde is only 3 weeks older than Piper and Arianna is 8 days older than Maysie. Scott and Brian carved the pumpkins and then the ladies got decked out in their sweet costumes. Piper and Matilde were pro's at trick or treating this year. After getting a giant bag of candy each, a plateful of homemade cookies from our nice neighbors, and $10 from a 3 legged dog........, we called it a night.

Strep is pretty crappy

So last week I started feeling pretty crummy. My throat hurt and felt like there were razors stuck in there. I went to the doctor Thursday, and I had strep. By Sunday, both Maysie and Piper had it and we had a house full of antibiotics. Piper loves her pink medicine, and Maysie gags everytime she has to have some. We are finally all on the mend and I am grateful that our sweet house guests were not comtaminated with the strep bug!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Brave Piper

Piper has not been on a real horse, or many fake ones either. At her old daycare they had a pony that the kids could ride and Piper declined the offer. She has not been interested in riding a carousel, and screamed the only time she went on. This picture was taken at the Franklin Park Zoo this past weekend, and it's just the perfect horse for Piper.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Miss Maysie is amazing. I didn't really know what to expect with a second child. I was aware that some things would be the same as they were with Piper, but her personality seems much different. Piper was more reserved as a baby (from what I remember anyway). Maysie is a grabber! She will try and grap everything.....my eyeballs, my ears, green beans, miracle whip, and Piper's hair is a favorite. Piper wasn't a great sleeper as a baby, and Maysie has slept really well since she was a week old. Piper was content on her own playing with a toy and my sweet Maysie would prefer to be held or cuddled. I sure wonder what the next one will be like!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Making my day

Being a mom is tough work. Maysie is going through a point in her life where she doesn't like to be let out of my site, or rather she only likes to be held by me. This makes things difficult when I need to do things.......like pee or drive, as I can't hold her on my lap for either things. But, I love her! I remind myself that she is going through a phase, as I really can't hold her forever. It would be weird if I had to hold her at her prom as she danced with her date........The reason for the picture above is something that made my day today. It felt like a long week and it's always nice to get some regular snail mail in the mailbox. I got a little package from my sweet big sister, that included the nicest card ever and a beautiful bracelet. So thanks KATIE!!!! You made my day..........

Thursday, October 16, 2008

It's coming!

This is my favorite time of the year. I love Halloween for many reasons......candy, pumpkin spice latte's at Starbucks, roasting pumpkin seeds, apple picking, and Brian and I met at a halloween party 9 years ago!!! Wow, we are getting old. The ladies and I went apple and pumpkin picking this past weekend with my folks. We were able to get the last batch of honey crisp apples, which is now my all time favorite food! Piper even picked out her very own pumpkin. It's almost as cute as she is.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

I want some farm animals

Get me out of here!
Originally uploaded by Hendu Family
The girls and I went to the Harwinton Fair in CT last weekend, and I am in love! I want a goat. I know this sounds odd, but really, I would love a goat. We go with the girls all the time to this farm where we pick apples and blueberries and pet goats too. Maybe some chickens who can lay some eggs and a bunny or two? The kids would love it and I could think of something crafy and sell it on etsy...........maybe goat milk soap?

Thursday, October 2, 2008

We miss you!

We miss you!
Originally uploaded by Hendu Family
We will see you this weekend! Piper would like to know when your airplane will be here as I don't seem to do shadow puppets as good as you..............
Oh, and Maysie loves to smile at you, and I can't seem to trick her and pretend that I am you (I think it's the facial hair thing)!


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I'll be seeing you.....

poppy alone tux
Originally uploaded by Hendu Family
This weekend we will be traveling to my Grampa's Memorial Service. It's still very sad to think that he is no longer with us. This picture was taken last summer at the Vineyard when everyone was together for my cousin Timm's wedding. He looked so perfect, our sweet Poppy. He will be missed.

I heard the song "I'll be seeing you" recently and thought it would be perfect to play at his Memorial Service. My brother, who is a very talented singer/songwriter recorded the song, and edited some of the words to make it just perfect for a tribute to our Grampa. http://www.sautermusic.com/index.cfm

Thursday, September 4, 2008


comfort from sis
Originally uploaded by Hendu Family
It's the sweetest thing when I see Piper putting her arm out for Maysie. Piper is so caring, which I thought was something that is learned, but I think she was born with the ability. She brings comfort to Maysie when she is not happy, which is helpful when I can't always be there. Since Maysie and Piper are at the same daycare, the teachers with bring Piper to see Maysie when she is sad, which is comforting to me.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Our sweet Poppy

Poppy and Maysie
Originally uploaded by Hendu Family
My grandfather, Randall Garland, passed away today. Poppy, as he was known to his great grandchildren, was always such a gentle soul. Up until his last day, he was most concerned for those around him. This picture was from last weekend, and our final visit with him. We named Maysie after him, so it was so special that we captured this moment. It was so sweet to see him with Maysie, knowing that she was just beginning her journey and he was so close to the end of his. My mom had sent me this story recently about how when people die, their headstones usually reads the year they were born, a dash, and then the year they died. The author of the story wanted to make sure that while it's just a dash between the years, it's SO MUCH MORE! The dash between his years is bursting with love! Poppy lived such a wonderful life, always caring so much about the people around him. Over 30 years ago, he and my grandmother bought a beat up cottage on Martha's Vineyard, and 32 years later, the memories are in the thousands, This was the first summer that they were unable to make it to the Vineyard, and it truly was not the same. We will honor his life and his memory in a service once all the family comes together. Oh, Poppy, thanks for being such a sweet and dear man.
Donations is his honor can be made to:
MVCMA Tabernacle Restoration Fund, P.O. Box 367, Oak Bluffs, MA 02557

Friday, August 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Emma!

Emma nose best
Originally uploaded by Hendu Family
Emma turns 6 years old today. Emma joined our family in 2002, when we were living in a condo in Brighton. We were told that we needed to carry her up and down the stairs for a couple months when she was a pup, to help keep her hips healthy. I used to race home at lunch to take her outside and would carry her up and down the stairs. We would walk her on Comm Ave and she would get so nervous from all the cars and the T. When we were planning our honeymoon, we decided that we wanted to do something where we could take Emma with us. We rented a camper and traveled around for a couple weeks, with our lady Emma. What an adventure we had! Happy Birthday Emma Blue Henderson!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

And then there was LUKE!

We are so happy to welcome Luke Fitzwater! Maysie is psyched to not be the baby anymore........
I am so proud of my big sis. We can't wait to meet you Luke.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

enjoying her sister

enjoying her sister
Originally uploaded by Hendu Family
Piper loves her little sister, as every day when I pick her up from daycare, she asks "Where's Maysie"? If she ever notices that she isn't in the rrom with us at home, she asks the same thing. She likes to watch her sleep, and if Maysie starts to cry, Piper get's to her first to bring her toys. She sings her songs and likes to get the teething rings out of the fridge for her. What a caring little soul Miss Piper is. What a lucky mom I am.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

So sad to go

Friday was the last day at Beechwood on the Bay, as the girls daycare closed for good. It was very sad, as the teachers were so wonderful to the girls. We start the girls in a new daycare on Monday and even Piper's BFF will be going there too! We sure will miss the wonderful ladies from Beechwood though.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Hot potato

Hot potato
Originally uploaded by Hendu Family
Ok, so Maysie has a little problem..........she is always hot! Brian and I can't hold her for too long, cause we end up sweating just holding her. She is totally perfect though, sweat and all. She reminds me of her Daddy! ;)

Friday, July 25, 2008

Boy has it been windy!

Boy has it been windy!
Originally uploaded by Hendu Family
We awoke on Thursday morning around 2am to a very loud noise we thought, from the baby monitor, came from Piper's room. Brian and I went running thinking Piper fell out of bed. She was crying, but was still in bed. Brian checked outside and saw a very large branch had fallen in the yard. Piper ended up with croup and kept us up most of the night........but the tree kept things exciting. Nana had mentioned hanging a swing for the girls on the tree.....hope she didn't mean this branch! :)

Monday, July 21, 2008

Big sisters ROCK

Originally uploaded by Hendu Family
This Sunday the girls and I headed to Parlee Farms with Nana, On the way there, Nana heard Piper saying something in the back seat so we stopped talking to listen to what she was saying. She was singing to Maysie. It was only 2 words sung quietly over and over, "Goodnight Maysie". Maysie was fast alseep. We had a nice time picking blueberries and eating ice cream, although the weather was a wee bit hot. Heading back home after, the girls and I got stuck in tons of traffic. It took almost 3 hours to get home, when it would usually take about 45 minutes. Maysie was having a bad ride, as I think she has a tooth trying to come out. Piper did great, singing to her most of the way. As I wanted to poke my eyes out being stuck in traffic, Piper made me smile as she was trying to cheer up Maysie. It reminded me how nice it is to have a big sister in this world. Miss you Katie!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Darn lion!

Piper birdie!
Originally uploaded by Hendu Family
We ventured to the Franklin Park zoo yesterday, as Piper really seems to love animals. However, as soon as we got there, Piper asked where Mickiey Mouse was.........
We were pleasantly surprised by all the animals there, including giant gorillas that were napping. Piper woke up screaming around 3 this morning, claiming that there was a lion in her bed. So much for the zoo, it scared the crap out of my sweet Piper.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

some new videos

Here's Piper in Jellyfish and Alphabet



Monday, July 7, 2008

Making do!

sink tubber
Originally uploaded by Hendu Family
This weekend was very messy. I guess having kids, I should expect messy days. However, this weekend seemed VERY MESSY! Between rain, mud, and lots of ice cream, little Miss Piper was in need of a bath. Since we were at my grandparents cottage on Martha's Vineyard, there is no tub. Piper is a little young for a shower, so my mom suggested the kitchen sink. Piper loved it! We got some really sweet pictures and a very clean Piper!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

A little bird told me.......

Ok, so for our five year anniversary, Brian and I got matching tattoos. Brian had been talking about getting a tattoo since we had Piper, but the whole deathly afraid of needle thing got in the way. In planning the festivities for out anniversary, I mentioned getting tattoos and he actually agreed! We initially were planning on getting the girls names as well, but last minute decided against it. We chose a darling little bird with a daisy on it's head. A bird for our spunky girl Piper and a daisy for our sweet little Maysie. Brian did great, only almost losing consciousness once. No, really he did amazing. I think the giant glass of OJ and the cupcake helped tremendously. He even mentioned maybe getting another one some day!

Friday, June 27, 2008


The big day 6.28.03
Originally uploaded by Hendu Family
My oh my........5 years! What wonderful memories!

Happy Birthday Brian!

Originally uploaded by Hendu Family
This picture was taken on our honeymoon. One of our stops was at Wrigley Field in Chicago for a Cubs game. Brian is turing 33 tomorrow! We have quite a few fun things planned, including cupcakes from a cool little cupcake only bakery I found in our neighborhood. Piper has been saying Happy Birthday Grampy since we celebrated Grampy's birthday a couple weeks ago. She is pretty good with the song, but once we have to switch the names, she get's a bit confused! :) Happy Birthday Ploops!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Time goes by too quick!

Originally uploaded by Hendu Family
This Saturday is Brian's 33rd birthday and our 5 year Anniversary! Who would have thought on our wedding day that 5 years later we would have 2 GIRLS! Yikes! What an amazing life we have. I am so grateful that I am on this journey with my best friend! We have a fun (although there is a little pain involved):) day planned on Saturday!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Doctor Visit today!

Trips to the doctor don't happen too much, but when they do, they usually involve a shot or two for Piper. This was her 2 year check up, and she is doing pretty darn good! She is 26.6 pounds and 2 feet 10 inches long. She got one shot and had to get some blood drawn. What a brave little one she was. I told her that she ws braver than her daddy would have been. :)
She ended up with 2 new bandaids (her new favorite thing) and a Scooby Doo sticker, which made her forget about the boo boo's.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Our First Trip to Disney

We got back last Saturday from our first family trip to Disney and it was great. I had to go to a conference for work (Microsoft TechEd) and since I had the plane ticket, hotel room, and rental car, it made sense to bring the crew along.

On the flight down, Maysie got sick and threw up next to the window seat. About ten minutes later, a woman in back of us called out "why is my computer bag WET?!" So we handed her our bottle of water and a bunch of napkins...and gave a quick apology. We got off the plane before she could complain directly to us (but we also said we'd give her money if she was really really mad). I didn't want to tell her that her computer will probably stink like rotten milk for awhile.

We got our rental mini-van (Dodge makes a nice car these days - we got one for Julie/Kevin's wedding too) and drove to the Peabody... a real nice hotel. Every day at 11am and 5pm they did a duck walk through the lobby - I was there twice and Liz and the little ladies went almost every day.

Monday night was fun, Liz's brother and I went out to do this thing called TechEd Jam Sessions where a bunch of techies at the conference play music together in a rented out music club. I played drums for two songs (Dont Give Me No Lies and Mustang Sally) and Chris sang Proud Mary, which was received very well by the crowd.

Tuesday night we hit the town - Walmart and Sonic! and got lost a bit because there are two International Drives within the same city.

Liz was psyched to have a Sonic nearby in order to get her favorite slushie in the world - Lime with fresh lime chunks - and she quickly turned me into a Sonic fan. I liked the Coney Dog with Chili - yum yum. I thought it was weird how they put sugar on their onion rings. We ate there twice.

Wednesday - I had a work event/dinner/party thing to go to. Fun stuff. I had a drink or two.

Thursday dinner - Went out with Liz's brother Chris and stopped at a Indoor Bounce House. Basically a bunch of those giant inflatable bouncy houses/slides all combined into one place. Piper had a blast. So did I! Later we went back to Chris and Vics house and made pizzas with the kids.

Friday was our day at Disney. We got there right when it opened, and grabbed the kids and hopped on the people mover, to the Monorail, and then arrived at the Magic Kingdom. We had a lot of fun walking around, seeing Winnie the Poo, Tigger, Goofy, PLuto, and some of other characters. Piper had the most fun chasing around some ducks outside a small lunch spot. I couldn't believe how little had changed since the last time I was there.

One story I keep telling people is when I tried to get Piper comfortable enough to go on the Dumbo ride. I wanted to warm her up by going on something small and simple, so in FantasyLand we found a Snow White ride... I figured "this looks easy." Not quite! It slammed through the doors hard and dropped a few feet and the darkness all around got Piper real warmed up - to scream for Mommy! So the ride got worse - the creepy mirror on the wall, the freaky Queen, lots of dark woods... the one pleasant scene with the Dwarfs sitting around drinking didn't cheer her up all all. When we finally made it out, I looked up at the name of the ride - Snow White's SCARY ADVENTURES. Oops. Other parents shook their heads at me... oh well.

As a sidenote, I'm glad Piper is not yet aware of Ariel or the Princess or Cinderella, because lines to see those people were hours long!

Saturday was our flight back - pretty uneventful, but the end of Maysie's first trip on the plane, out of state, and a good little adventure - our first trip to the Magical Kingdom.

Got some videos up in our YouTube page... check em out!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Henderson Family conquers Disney

Yea! We survived our first trip to Disney, as parents anyway. What an adventure. Piper had a blast, but was a wee bit overwhelmed. Actually, I was a bit overwhelmed at times. She refused to ride on Dumbo, which was a favorite of both Brian and mine. Maybe next time..........
We ate tons and bought tons. My favorite was the mickey mouse ears with our names on the back. I am such a child. You only live once though, and only have one first trip to Disney. We can't wait for the second! See you around Mickey!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day Daddy!

This is Brian's 3rd Father's Day as a daddy (to non-furry kids). What a wonderful daddy he is!

Happy Day!

We love you Jacky!

Love, me, Piper, and Maysie

Thursday, June 5, 2008

No surgery for Miss Piper

Close up
Originally uploaded by Hendu Family
After tons of thought.......we have decided to cancel Piper's eye surgery. She was scheduled to have surgery to open up her blocked tear duct in 2 weeks and I couldn't get past the fact they had to give her general anesthesia! Her eye seems to be ok, so for us the risks weren't worth it. Hope she agrees! Boy, it's tough being a mom.

Monday, June 2, 2008

And the little lady rolled over!

Maysie is such a sweet pea. I cannot get enough of her. She has the most infectious smile. Piper loves to rub her head and rock her to sleep. Yesterday she rolled over for the first time. She had been so intent on sleeping on her side and tummy and she can now do it on her own. The doctors always said that babies should sleep on their backs, but Miss Maysie is like her dad.....a tummy sleeper. I should have known this since everytime I put her on her tummy for tummy time, she would just fall asleep. She can't lift her head too high, but she can roll over. My sweet little Maysie.

The Most Expensive BBQ Ever

Yesterday we invited my parents and Liz's parents over for a BBQ / Birthday party for Dad. He has one more year to go before being 60!

Liz and I prepared well in advance - Liz made some great salads, sangria, a carrot cake for the birthday boy, and got everything else ready in the house. I focused on BBQ. I had a nice assortment of stuff including steak with Bone Suckin Seasoning, and Bone Suckin Yaki (nice) as well as some pork and chicken each marinated in their own concoctions.

But right before the party, I realized how low my propane was. So I had to run out and get some. On the way home, I was driving a little faster than usual and BAMMM a state trooper caught me doing 57 in a 35. That was $220 I wasn't prepared to spend that day.

In the end it didn't ruin the day, because we had great company, great food, and great weather!

here's piper chasing birds

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Sharing with Daddy

Originally uploaded by Hendu Family
Piper had a stomach bug most of the weekend, yucky. However, I still got her and Brian a giant cookie to share. Probably not the best idea, but they sure enjoyed it. (Brian actually a little more than Piper:)

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Back from Travels and Back to Traveling

Business travel is always good and bad. Good because I like going new places and meeting the people I've been emailing all day. Bad because it's time away from the family.

After almost a week in DC and a week in Vegas, I'm back for a few weeks before we both head down to Orlando a week. I'm going for a work conference (called TechEd if you're interested) and Liz and the girls are joining me. We've been emailing the queen of Disney - Amy Cesario - and she has been extremely helpful in giving us advice on what to do. I also hear we need to check out the Dumbo ride :)

This weekend we are heading out to the Vineyard to spend time with the kids and Liz's folks. I am pushing for a game of disc golf with Harry, and I'm looking forward to finding a large playground for Piper. Maysie continues to grow and smile more and more every day, and Liz dressed her in the same outfit Piper wore for her first trip down to the Vineyard.

We're looking forward to June 1st when we'll host a family BBQ with whoever can make it. I think we'll also combine it with a birthday party for my Dad.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Piper is really 2!

Yesterday Piper's teacher said to me, "Piper is really two"! She continued to say that Piper really like to let people know what she likes and doesn't like to do. And also that Piper enjoys to say no, loudly when she wasn't interested in doing something that was asked of her. I pretended to act surprised.......My sweet little Piper??

I usually find it a bit humorous when I ask her to do something, and she says NEOOOOO!, which is how she sounds with her little accent, that we are still trying to figure out where it came from. Piper is definitely 2, and I love her even more with her cute little attitude she has developed. You go Pipes!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Maysie started daycare

I went back to work today after 3 months of maternity leave. Boy, it went by way too quick. It was so nice spending so much time with both Maysie and Piper as I love my little 2 squirts. I called to check in on her around noon and was told that she wasn't interested in taking the bottle. I went in and she gulped down the whole thing, probably just missing her mom. I spent my lunch break there which was nice. She was fine the rest of the day, and was napping in her crib when I went to get her at the end of the day. Isn't life lovely. We miss the b-dog............:)

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sweet Maysie and Mimi

Originally uploaded by Hendu Family
The girls and I went to Torrington to see my grandparents, aka Mimi and Poppy with my folks. Piper loved giggling with Poppy and Maysie was so content in Mimi's arms. It has been so wonderful living so close to family. Brian couldn't make the trip, as he hd to go to VEGAS! I talked to him tonight as he was checking into the convention and I could here him high fiving people and greeting everyone he walked by. He sounded like a celebrity. Tough job he has! (Miss you Jackie!)

Thursday, May 15, 2008

We Miss you Daddy!!!!!

We Miss you Daddy!!!!!
Originally uploaded by Hendu Family
Brian is in DC for a couple of days, so the girls and I have been holding down the fort. Today, Nana came to visit and keep an eye on Piper and Maysie while I painted the front landing and steps. They turned out pretty well, and Nana even talked Piper into wearing pigtails for a little bit. She looked cuter than ever. Thanks for the help Mom.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Meet the Henderson's

The Henderson's
Originally uploaded by Hendu Family
So here is the Henderson Family blog. We all lead very busy lives, but wanted to stop and take some moments to document the adventures in Henderson land. We hope you enjoy reading about our lovely days.