Monday, June 2, 2008

The Most Expensive BBQ Ever

Yesterday we invited my parents and Liz's parents over for a BBQ / Birthday party for Dad. He has one more year to go before being 60!

Liz and I prepared well in advance - Liz made some great salads, sangria, a carrot cake for the birthday boy, and got everything else ready in the house. I focused on BBQ. I had a nice assortment of stuff including steak with Bone Suckin Seasoning, and Bone Suckin Yaki (nice) as well as some pork and chicken each marinated in their own concoctions.

But right before the party, I realized how low my propane was. So I had to run out and get some. On the way home, I was driving a little faster than usual and BAMMM a state trooper caught me doing 57 in a 35. That was $220 I wasn't prepared to spend that day.

In the end it didn't ruin the day, because we had great company, great food, and great weather!

here's piper chasing birds

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