Sunday, May 23, 2010

Little sis Maysie

Little sis Maysie
Originally uploaded by Hendu Family
Maysie is so in love with her big sis. Piper is also so in love with her little sis, and pretends that Maysie is her baby. She had trained Maysie to talk "baby talk". Maysie goo goo's at her "mommy" and loves to get snuggled and fed goldfish by her "mommy". This week Brian is putting together the girls new bunk beds, and both cannot wait!!! Cannot believe my little ones are not so little anymore. Spent the morning running around the beach today watching my 2 girls enjoy each moment! I am reminded to savor all these moments too, as they go by so fast.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Happy Birthday my sweet Piper!

Last candle left!
Originally uploaded by Hendu Family
Cannot believe that my little lady is 4. She is the most amazing little being that I have ever met. She loves to comfort her little sister and asks me to snuggle when she needs a hug. She puts up with me when I dress her and Maysie in matching clothes. Happy Birthday Piper Elizabeth!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Imagine 12 years from now this will be a real car!!

Yesterday was Patriot's Day, so the girls and I took advantage of having the day off by going to New Hampshire. Poor Brian had to work, so it was just me and the ladies going to visit my folks. Mom had gotten a GIANT cupcake and put it on a beautiful cake stand that she had gotten as a wedding gift. She put in 4 candles and put a beautiful butterfly ring on top. Piper was loving it. She opened some amazing gifts, including a beautiful handmade dress and a matching dress for her doll. Maysie even got one too. We ended up at the mall and Maysie picked out new shoes with little "purpril" bows. Piper declined the shoes at the store, as there weren't any with enough sparkle. The best was when they both requested to ride the 75 cent car and I got flashbacks of riding in a giant "blue bomber" with my sister when we were much older. I can think ahead 12 years, and my heart isn't quite ready to envision the girls driving a real car yet. Yikes. Glad that sparkle shoes, purple bows and matching dresses are all we have to think about for now.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Cannot believe this young lady is 90!

My Gramma turned 90 this week. The ladies and I traveled with my mom to help celebrate her special day last week. We had a special dinner at her house Saturday night with family and an amazing friend to her (Helen). On Sunday we all woke up and went to church. Yikes..., me and church do not mix well. The last time I was there was for my Grandpa's service. The girls did great while the congregation sang Happy Birthday to Solveig! Once the sermon started the girls and I moved to the back of the church to play with leggos and wait for Mimi and Nana. After the service we had cake and coffee for her. Piper and Maysie loved running around with their sparkle shoes and the balloons...But above all we are so grateful to have Mimi in our lives to celebrate her special day.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Sweet Maysie G turned 2!

shy and proud
Originally uploaded by Hendu Family
I am beside myself at the fact that my sweet baby has now turned 2. Maysie is now speaking in whole sentences and she uses the potty. What the heck?? Her big sis Piper loves to hug and kiss her and if Maysie needs to cuddle she first runs to me and then Piper. She yells "Piper, kisses sister"! Loving it! Every moment! Happy Birthday Maysie, we all love you so much!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Counting down...

Originally uploaded by Hendu Family
My sweet baby Maysie is turning 2 in 2 days........She loves to pretend to play the drums with her sweet dimples, sing songs to daddy and ask every morning for cheerios for breakfast......
My mornings are so perfect waking up and seeing her and Piper hold hands walking down the is perfect!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Meeting Curious George

A couple weeks ago they opened up a new exhibit at the Boston Childrens Museum. Since we are members we were allowed to come a day earlier than it was open to the public. Both ladies are SERIOUS Curious George fans, so we packed up the ladies and my mom to check it out. It was amazing! The ladies loved it. They also had a meet and greet room with some of the PBS characters which included Peep, Arthur and Curious George. Piper was a little nervous at first, but then decided that she wanted to draw him a picture before she met him. The BCM had tons of markers and paper available, so she got started. Maysie on the other hand wanted nothing to do with the giant characters. As you can see from the picture, she kept a very safe distance. Piper ended up giving Curious George a couple of drawings, gave him a high five and then a little bitty hug. It was great.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Sister Moments

Originally uploaded by Hendu Family
My sweet little girls have decided that they love picnics! With the temperature being 20 degrees outside, we have had to accommodate this indoors. When we get home after work/school Piper takes out the blanket and lays it out on the floor. Maysie gets their milk, and I bring over dinner. I bring the Mac over and Piper decides on the DVD they are going to watch. She is always very kind to Maysie picking Elmo or the Polar Express which is a new favorite of both. My job is to keep the dogs from stampeding the picnic, as they still feel like anything on the floor is fair game!