Sunday, March 21, 2010

Cannot believe this young lady is 90!

My Gramma turned 90 this week. The ladies and I traveled with my mom to help celebrate her special day last week. We had a special dinner at her house Saturday night with family and an amazing friend to her (Helen). On Sunday we all woke up and went to church. Yikes..., me and church do not mix well. The last time I was there was for my Grandpa's service. The girls did great while the congregation sang Happy Birthday to Solveig! Once the sermon started the girls and I moved to the back of the church to play with leggos and wait for Mimi and Nana. After the service we had cake and coffee for her. Piper and Maysie loved running around with their sparkle shoes and the balloons...But above all we are so grateful to have Mimi in our lives to celebrate her special day.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Sweet Maysie G turned 2!

shy and proud
Originally uploaded by Hendu Family
I am beside myself at the fact that my sweet baby has now turned 2. Maysie is now speaking in whole sentences and she uses the potty. What the heck?? Her big sis Piper loves to hug and kiss her and if Maysie needs to cuddle she first runs to me and then Piper. She yells "Piper, kisses sister"! Loving it! Every moment! Happy Birthday Maysie, we all love you so much!