Monday, March 23, 2009

Poor Maysie has another bout of the tummy bug!

Originally uploaded by Hendu Family
Poor Maysie, this has been a tough winter for her. She tries to be such a good girl all the time, even when she is sick and covered in throw up. I had to give her a bath to clean her up at 2am, and still she tried to smile through it. Piper has been a great big sister, trying to help her when she cries. Piper runs to her saying "it's ok Mays, it's ok", holding her head. Boy, I sure hope the rest of the house stays clear of the bug. I am tired of doing laundry.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Holy crap!!!

Piper and Amelia
Originally uploaded by Hendu Family
We had an amazing Sunday at the Children's Museum in Boston with some lovely friends. Piper was able to play with her friend Amelia and Maysie was able to show off her walking skills to baby Caelan. Oh, and best of all....Piper took her first poop on the potty! This might seem pretty small to most...but to a toddler who is potty training, it was really super! Yea to Piper!