Saturday, July 26, 2008

Hot potato

Hot potato
Originally uploaded by Hendu Family
Ok, so Maysie has a little problem..........she is always hot! Brian and I can't hold her for too long, cause we end up sweating just holding her. She is totally perfect though, sweat and all. She reminds me of her Daddy! ;)

Friday, July 25, 2008

Boy has it been windy!

Boy has it been windy!
Originally uploaded by Hendu Family
We awoke on Thursday morning around 2am to a very loud noise we thought, from the baby monitor, came from Piper's room. Brian and I went running thinking Piper fell out of bed. She was crying, but was still in bed. Brian checked outside and saw a very large branch had fallen in the yard. Piper ended up with croup and kept us up most of the night........but the tree kept things exciting. Nana had mentioned hanging a swing for the girls on the tree.....hope she didn't mean this branch! :)

Monday, July 21, 2008

Big sisters ROCK

Originally uploaded by Hendu Family
This Sunday the girls and I headed to Parlee Farms with Nana, On the way there, Nana heard Piper saying something in the back seat so we stopped talking to listen to what she was saying. She was singing to Maysie. It was only 2 words sung quietly over and over, "Goodnight Maysie". Maysie was fast alseep. We had a nice time picking blueberries and eating ice cream, although the weather was a wee bit hot. Heading back home after, the girls and I got stuck in tons of traffic. It took almost 3 hours to get home, when it would usually take about 45 minutes. Maysie was having a bad ride, as I think she has a tooth trying to come out. Piper did great, singing to her most of the way. As I wanted to poke my eyes out being stuck in traffic, Piper made me smile as she was trying to cheer up Maysie. It reminded me how nice it is to have a big sister in this world. Miss you Katie!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Darn lion!

Piper birdie!
Originally uploaded by Hendu Family
We ventured to the Franklin Park zoo yesterday, as Piper really seems to love animals. However, as soon as we got there, Piper asked where Mickiey Mouse was.........
We were pleasantly surprised by all the animals there, including giant gorillas that were napping. Piper woke up screaming around 3 this morning, claiming that there was a lion in her bed. So much for the zoo, it scared the crap out of my sweet Piper.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

some new videos

Here's Piper in Jellyfish and Alphabet



Monday, July 7, 2008

Making do!

sink tubber
Originally uploaded by Hendu Family
This weekend was very messy. I guess having kids, I should expect messy days. However, this weekend seemed VERY MESSY! Between rain, mud, and lots of ice cream, little Miss Piper was in need of a bath. Since we were at my grandparents cottage on Martha's Vineyard, there is no tub. Piper is a little young for a shower, so my mom suggested the kitchen sink. Piper loved it! We got some really sweet pictures and a very clean Piper!