Monday, September 7, 2009

Not scared!

Piper is very vocal about things she is scared of....the dark....spiders...monsters....but then Brian made it very clear! He eats monsters and spiders and a little flashlight helped out in the dark. She is becoming so brave. I am so proud of my little lady. She is not afraid! Yeah for Piper!

Friday, September 4, 2009

We are back!

Originally uploaded by Hendu Family
Took a little time off from this, but I sooo missed my blog. I missed documenting the moments I spent with my kiddos. When both Piper and Maysie were born I kept a calendar for them documenting their first year....the first roll over, their first smile, their first foods, their first holiday....yet after a year I found myself scrambling to find a way to capture it. I ended up getting glass jars where I would write down on pieces of paper things that they would say or do that I wanted to remember. I feel like the moments pass so quick and I never want to forget and I want their loved ones to know the things that they are experiencing as well. This has been an amazing year for us. Both of us working full time jobs, with Brian even changing jobs within his company, yet we feel really grounded. We have two amazing little ladies who surprise us every day.